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New! Minor in LGBTQ+ Studies (Launching Fall 2024)

Effective Fall 2024

The Minor in LGBTQ+ Studies consists of 15 hours.

Required Course (3 Credits):

WGS 2013Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies

An interdisciplinary introduction to key concepts and methods in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies, including scholarship on asexuality, intersexuality, and 2SQ (Two-Spirit/Queer) sexualities. Students will examine the history of sexuality studies, including connections between colonialism and the gender binary; the role of science in the social construction of sexuality and gender categories; and the relationship among sexuality, gender embodiment and expression, and intersecting forms of structural violence such as racism, capitalism, and ableism. Emphasis will vary according to the interdisciplinary expertise of the instructor.

And any four additional courses (12 credits):

ANTH 4243Queer Anthropology
CHIN 4303Women in China
CHIN 4693Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Cinema
CLAS 3843Gender and Sexuality in Greece and Rome
CNST3Sexuality and Cinema
ENGL 4253Black Feminist Theory
HILA 4653Gender and Sexuality in Early Latin America
MUCO 3303Music, Gender, and Sexuality
PHIL 3823Philosophy of Feminism
PHIL 4643Feminist Philosophy of Science
POLS 4143Gender and Politics
REST 4793Seminar in East Asian Religions
SOCI 3753Gender in Society
WGS 4003Topics in Women, Gender, and Sexuality
WGS 4193Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Western Philosophy

Email Dr. Nora Berenstain to petition courses not listed here or to receive more information about the LGBTQ+ Studies Minor.